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Project Ministries

For security reasons, we are no longer listing the exact names of the specific ministries or projects which we are assisting. However, we still encourage you to designate support to countries, crisis, disasters, nations, and specific causes that the Lord  is laying on your heart, or on the local leadership of your church.

AFRICA and the Mediterranean – We are active in earthquake and famine relief in forgotten parts of Armenia,  Monrovia, Nigeria, Turkey, and throughout sub-Sahara Africa.

CHINA, Yemen, and North Korea – We provide Bibles to  thousands of imprisoned and persecuted persons. Christians who are denied freedom of education, press and speech in closed Communist and Muslim lands…trapped behind today’s modern-day Iron curtains.

ISRAEL and the Holy Land – We support ministry to Jews, Arabs and other indigenous minority ministries in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and surrounding lands. This includes services like refugee relief, campus outreach, education, and church planting.

INDIA, Pakistan, and South Asia – This includes ministries to persecuted Christians, Hindus, Muslims and tribals  throughout all the states of North and South India as well as to orphans and widows in places like Jharkhand, Manipur, Orissa, and Andra Pradesh.

PHILIPPINES and Pacific Islands – Ministry to children living in cemeteries and notorious slums in Metro Manila, as well as to outreaches and barrio crusades on remote islands  of Camarines Sur, Palawan and in Luzon.

USA – Campus outreaches to international students and overseas visitors as well as to others through our local and national affiliates reaching hungry and forgotten people here at home in poor communities, hospitals, state fairs and in prisons.

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